Armed forces of the world

Lack of map.

Interactive map of Supported countries. contains information on military forces of countries. Here you can find data of military budget, personnel and current military equipment of all types. Equipment is divided into land forces, air forces and navy. You can check the specification, production year, cost and pictures or movies with land vehicles, aircrafts and navy ships. You can also find there a number of nukes in each country that possesses a nuclear weapon.

In addition, you can find there basic information on countries, such as population number, area, ethnical structure, religion and map of the country.

On this website you can easily compare interesting data. Just click COMPARE and choose what you want to confront. You can choose from armies of countries, their current equipment and all of military devices that are available in our database. On the left-side panel you can find hyperlinks to the most interesting comparisons, such as USA vs Russia or India vs Pakistan.

Beside descriptions on you can find ranks and interactive maps. They contain graphical comparison of data such as number of soldiers and tanks in each country. All of the ranks are in the upper menu.

Website will be updated – there will be more countries and military equipment added. If you want to help with its development – just share and recommend it to your friends.

Want to compare countries in terms of economic ratios? Check out

You can also check This website contains information on military unmanned vehicles. Here, you'll find information about UCAV, reconnaissance aerial vehicles and kamikaze drone.