Military Comparison Website

Here you will find information about the military budget, personnel, army, air force and navy of the selected country. Additionally, data on military equipment of all types.

Armed Forces

Army Comparator

Clear, user-friendly and easy to navigate armed forces comparator. Based on the collected information, you can estimate which army is stronger. You can compare not only the armies of selected countries and defined alliances such as NATO or BRICS but also create your own military alliance in creator. Want to compare countries in terms of economic ratios? Check out

  • Interactive map

    The compared countries can be seen on an interactive world map. By clicking on the map on the country, you can find detailed information about its armed forces.

  • Comparing data

    Comparative values ​​are presented on a graph along with information on what percentage of the highest value in the world it represents.

  • Charts

    Each section has buttons to select one of the chart types. The available sections are military spending, manpower, land, air and naval forces. You can choose from percentage, bar and pie charts.

  • Details

    For each of the compared parameters, you can obtain detailed information. Available is a list of countries according to the selected parameter, the country that is the leader or, in the case of military equipment, a detailed list of the equipment owned by the given country.

Everything about the Army

The contains information regarding almost every aspect of the military in the specified country. This website contains rankings and technical data of military vehicles. You can also check This website contains information on military unmanned vehicles. Here, you'll find information about UCAV, reconnaissance aerial vehicles and kamikaze drone.

Military Expenditures

Military budget, military spending as a share of GDP.


Available for military, active and reserve personnel.

Nuclear Weapons

Number of nuclear warheads

Land Forces

Tanks, IFV & APC & AV, artillery, self-propelled guns and rocket artillery.

Air Forces

Fighters, multirole aircraft, attack aircraft, helicopters and UCAV.


Aircaft carriers, destroyers, frigates, corvettes and submarines.