Shahed 129

Medium-altitude long-endurance
Service ceiling
7,300 m


The Shahed 129 is an Iranian unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) with a single-engine. It's a medium-altitude long-endurance model, designed by Shahed Aviation Industries. The Shahed 129 can be used for both combat and reconnaissance missions. The UAV was used for airstrikes in the Syrian Civil War. This vehicle is supposed to be the backbone of the Iranian high'end UCAV fleet for ten or more years.


The Shaded 129 was renewed and corrected in 2016. According to Iranian sources, it is equipped with satellite navigation, but this information is not confirmed, especially considering the fact, that Iran doesn't have any satellites. However, without doubt, the new version of this vehicle has an increased payload (by 100 kg) and the range of the machine is increased to 3000 km, giving easier access to further locations on the map.

General characteristics

The vehicle can carry no crew. It can carry around 400 kg of payload and is powered by Rotax 914 four cylinder, four stroke aircraft engine 75 kW. Three-bladed propellers allows to reach the cruise speed of about 150 km/h.

The vehicle is equipped with laser range finder and infrared sensor, which increase its accuracy. It is used by Iran as of 2014, mainly for combat, but the vehicle didn't serve only that purpose. For example, in 2019, two of the mentioned were used as an assist in relief operations in Iran's Khuzestan province.


Combat range of the Shaded 129 is about 1700 km and the ferry range is doubles this figure, giving a whopping 3,400 km. The behicle can fly up to 24 hours without breaks on a service ceiling equal to 7300 m. When it comes to armament, UCAV can carry up to four Sadid-345 PGM bombs.


Range: 3,400 km (2,100 mi)
Max Speed:
Service ceiling: 7,300 m
Armament: Bombs: 4 × Sadid-345 PGM
Weight empty:
Weight max:


Length: 8 m
Width: 16 m
Height: 3.1 m

Dimensional visualization


Table Map
Flag Country Number Variant
Iran 42 Shahed 129


Shahed 129
Author: By Fars News Agency, CC BY 4.0, Licenses


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