Military power of Suoth Korea Japan Taiwan & Taiwan
Suoth Korea Japan Taiwan vs Taiwan
A hypothetical military alliance between Suoth Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
Taiwan is a country located in Eastern Asia with an area of 36,193 km2 (land boundries: 0 km and costline 1,566.3 km). The capital of Taiwan is Taipei. The number of inhabitants is 23,568,378.
The Taiwan military is armed mostly with second-hand weapons and equipment provided by the USA. Taiwan also has a domestic defense industry capable of building a range of military equipment.
More about Taiwan militaryIf you want to check the comparison in terms of economic ratios check out
Military expenditures
Land Forces
Air Forces
☢ Nuclear weapons
Suoth Korea Japan Taiwan
Data not available
Does not have nuclear weapons.
Military service
Suoth Korea Japan Taiwan
Data not available
Males 18-36 years of age may volunteer for military service or must complete 4 months of compulsory military training (or substitute civil service in some cases); women may enlist; women in Air Force service are restricted to noncombat roles; for men born before December 1993, compulsory service (military or civil) is 1 year; for 8 years after discharge, men are subject to training recall four times for periods not to exceed 20 days.