Military power of USA and Israel & Turkey and Azerbaijan
USA and Israel vs Turkey and Azerbaijan
A hypothetical military alliance between United States and Israel. Military relations between Israel and the United States have been consistently close. Israel has Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) status with the USA. Since 1976, Israel had been the largest annual recipient of United States foreign assistance. Israel is also involved in the joint development of military technology and regularly engages in joint military exercises. Israel is a participant in the F-35 Lightning II fighter development program. The US and Israel also cooperate jointly on a number of technology development programs, notably the Arrow missile system and the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL). The Israeli port of Haifa is the main port of call in the eastern Mediterranean for the United States Sixth Fleet. The United States has also stored military equipment in Israel.
The Agreement on Strategic Partnership and Mutual Support between Azerbaijan and Turkey for strategic partnership. The pact was signed on 16 August 2010 and will expire 16 August 2030. Under the terms of the treaty, Turkey and Azerbaijan will support each other in the case of a military attack or aggression against either of the countries.
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Military expenditures
Land Forces
Air Forces
☢ Nuclear weapons
USA and Israel
Data not available
Turkey and Azerbaijan
Data not available
Military service
USA and Israel
Data not available
Turkey and Azerbaijan
Data not available